Harley Ferguson Shuford Sr. established Century Furniture Company in 1947, and the family has continued his vision all the while keeping up with the ever changing aspects of the industry. At this time Alex Shuford III is President of Century Furniture, marking the succession the third generation of the Shuford family to lead Century.
Call me a nerd, but I have always enjoyed visiting manufacturing plants. Whether it be fabric or carpet mills, furniture plants, etc... I absolutely love them! I can actually recall as a child being fascinated with TV shows about how things were made. Growing up in Anaheim, CA, we were fortunate enough to have several plants in our general vicinity. I remember going on field trips to local companies such as Lays Potato Chips, Vans Shoes, and of course Carl Karcher Industries. (Known as Hardees on the East Coast.) We always enjoyed going to the facilities that gave us free samples!
A while back, I was given the privilege along with a small group of select Designers to spend 3 days visiting the Century Furniture plant in North Carolina. The goal was to learn more of the "ins and outs" of this amazing American company. We met Alex Shuford and many others who have dedicated their lives to Century. What struck me the most was how they possess such strong core values and how they really are "family." It was not surprising to hear of the countless employees that have worked there for decades. I saw furniture being constructed, upholstery being applied, patterns galore, fabric, leather, enormous spools of thread, furniture arms, legs and feet, the finishing process, sewing, OH MY!!! I was in HEAVEN! Simply amazing.

Notice the American flag?

Oh how I wish I could have had a few moments to try out this machine.
One thing that was a constant throughout the tour was the pride and joy each employee shared about their craft. I could not help but notice a pure sense of happiness in the air.
This sweet lady has worked at Century for nearly 40 years. Her specialty... Hand distressing. She is currently using her favorite rock.
Eight way hand-tied. A dying art, but still my go to choice of construction.

This really is how it begins.
A bit of an obsession... Oh, how I love these carts.
I may look like I'm smiling in this picture, but I was actually trying to figure out if there was any way I could fit one of these old furniture carts into my trunk! I still dream of having one of them in my own home. :-)
At the end of my visit I was truly rejuvenated. Not only was my love of Century enhanced, I felt a sense of intense pride. I am so incredibly happy to be associated with a company that has continued to keep the American spirit and dream alive.
Thanks for visiting!