Thursday, May 22, 2014

Saving my 1980's Powder Room!

Through this blog I will be sharing my own personal home renovations.  I have assisted clients for years with the same type of projects, but when it comes to doing it for myself it's a whole different story.  Should be easy, right?  People often ask me what my personal design style is and the assumption is always that my home is formal and completely done.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Upon moving to the burbs of Atlanta 5 years ago I certainly never imagined we would purchase a 30 year old traditional brick home.  We had lived in San Diego so long and always owned stucco homes with Spanish tile roofs.  Open concept rooms with cathedral ceilings were the norm.  We rented for a year to truly get a feel of the area and although buying a complete fixer upper was not my original intent, the saga began.  Beware of the term, "It has good bones."  Translation, "Major work!"

Being an Interior Designer, one would think that I just snap my fingers and everything in my own home gets done.  You know that old saying, "The Cobbler's children have no shoes?"  I believe it is a pretty common saying regardless of what field you're in.  If it doesn't sound familiar it's the idea that someone with a specific skill is often too busy assisting others that their own affairs go unattended.

Stayed tuned!  This house is becoming a home one room at a time!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Wow! What an amazing and total transformation. I'm guessing the old look of the bathroom was an acquired taste, probably the likes of art-noveau, midcentury or something altogether. Your renovations are truly spectacular. I love the wall color and how it contrasts with the white paneling. Lastly, those accents and decor pieces really round out the whole look perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing this home-improvement post. I wish you equal success in your future projects!

    Geoff Hull @ CSS Contracting

  2. Hey there Veronique! Thank you for sharing this great transformation of your powder look. The initial is look of it look fine with me it may look dull but after you renovate it look better and livelier. Love your ideas and how see things as interior designer!

    Window Planet for Superior Quality Windows and Doors in Toronto
